Monday, October 27, 2014

Dry Gorge

by Lin Hsin-Chen
"Dry Gorge", 40cm x 80cm

Taroko National Park, situated in the east of the Central Mountain Range of Taiwan and across the Liwu River, is facing Pacific Ocean and surrounded by mountains. Water rushing down from the magnificent mountains to the narrow U-shaped gorge, the white gorge is carved into the marble by the erosive power of the Liwu River for years. Due to climate change, dry season has extended. The riverbed looks like old cheese.

There is a truss bridge on the hillside. I had strong feelings when I was sewing the truss structure. Standing between the mountains, I observed the subtle feel between the bridge and the mountains and felt the combination of natural and unnatural. The interval between trusses looks differently when you stand in different positions, as if different standpoint affects communication between people. I got lost when I was sewing the truss bridge because I was so keen on making the interval between trusses looked equal. I didn’t believe in what I recorded on the spot, so I spent lots of time readjusting them. I even read several books about it but it only helped me to learn more about bridge structures. Finally, I had to go back to my original design and try to recall what I saw from where I stand there. I realized that people are born with "visual adjustment"; there is nothing to do with the interval between trusses as long as it’s well-constructed. The beautiful combination between the bridge and mountains reminds me of mutual acceptance of shortcomings between people.

We can never learn the big heart that how Nature embraces unnatural structures. I was so ignorant that I tried to make adjustment of the truss bridge arbitrary. Learning opportunity is everywhere and the dryness seems to remind us this philosophy. Thanks to this challenge, it brings me new perspective. Thank you all for supporting this project.

Materials: commercial cottons, woolen yarn
Techniques: 100% hand pieced, hand appliqué, hand quilted. The wool is transplanted into fabrics and made undetachable.

Size: 40 cm x 80 cm


  1. Beautiful Hsin-Chen. I love your description of the struggle with the bridge and your ultimate conclusion of mutual acceptance of shortcomings between people. Profound!

  2. You always amaze me with your insights Hsin-Chen, and your hand work! Thanks for a great topic.

  3. Thanks for a wonderful challenge, Hsin-Chen! I was struck by the same sentence that Lisa–Marie picked out. It is amazing how we think we see in everything and how are mind often fills in the blanks. A wonderful image.

  4. Thank you Lisa-Marie, Sue and Martha! I struggled for a long time before writing the sentence. If you have a chance to visit the gorge, I believe you will have strong feeling like me. Thank you all for all the powerful and wonderful works in this challenge!

  5. Gorgeous and sad at the same time. Well done.
