Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How Do You Mend a Broken Heart?

Everyone faces adversity in their lives.
Sometimes issues come along individually, and can be coped with.
But when a whole series of events occurs, things become much harder to deal with- change is difficult in the best of times, and it's easy to become overwhelmed when faced with many life altering situations at the same time.
Family and friends can be saving graces, helping to mend that which is broken.

How Do You Mend a Broken Heart?  12x9.5"
Velvet, string, Lutradur.


  1. Powerful imagery Betty. Sending words of encouragement and healing to you and the family xx

  2. This is a powerful piece, Betty. I like you statement, “Everyone faces adversity in their lives. Family and friends can be saving graces, helping to mend that which is broken.” It’s so true!

  3. Velvet is so soft and vulnerable, and so very difficult to work with. As our matters of the heart. Powerful message, dear friend.
