Thursday, February 12, 2015

At Bat

I spent many a childhood summer day at the baseball stadium. My father and brothers were avid fans and they taught me to love it too. I memorized the starting lineup, learned how to diagram plays and cheered with the fans whenever our team’s crusty manager would stride out to the field to argue with the umpire. Such great memories!

Diane’s analogy to baseball is apropos for our group. I love being part of this team and Martha is a great “manager”. In addition, who could resist a challenge to swing for the fences and play? 
For me, swinging for the fences means trying something that simultaneously scares and excites me. Pushing my limits in hopes of exceeding them. The piece I’m creating has been in my mind for some time but I haven’t felt ready. I absolutely knew I had to make this piece but I wasn’t sure I could. Right now I’m up at bat and swinging hard!

And play! Yay play! Try new things without pressure to achieve, do what you enjoy, lose yourself in something so fun that time flies. Yippee! Bring out the paint! I love the idea of a brush in paint. And then I get to sew! Woo hoo! 

What a great way to wrap up another cycle of Viewpoints 9.  I can’t wait to see everyone’s work at the gallery opening on February 27th.

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